
Your skin absorbs everything you put on it.
We only make products that support your health.

why it matters

85% of women have imbalanced hormones

If you're an average woman using regular soaps, deodorants, shampoos, body washes, skincare, hair products, etc. you're ingesting over 200+ chemicals & heavy metals a day, all linked to infertility, low estrogen disruption, chronic disease, depression, and obesity. We started Frøya Organics because we couldn't find any products that met our standards. We wanted products that were both the best on the market and 100% free of hormone-disturbing poison. Our production process supports this.

If you're an average woman using regular soaps, deodorants, shampoos, body washes, skincare, hair products, etc. you're ingesting over 200+ chemicals & heavy metals a day, all linked to infertility, low estrogen disruption, chronic disease, depression, and obesity. We started Frøya Organics because we couldn't find any products that met our standards. We wanted products that were both the best on the market and 100% free of hormone-disturbing poison. Our production process supports this.

learn how to thrive as a woman

our ingredients

Prepared in the most potent form possible

Most brands use high-heat processing and synthetic stabilizers that strip away nutrients, weaken active compounds, and leave you with a watered-down product.
We don’t.
Instead, we protect every nutrient by following a strict, low-heat, and precision extraction process. Some of our ingredients are even added in multiple forms to maximize the benefits for your skin. The ingredients are crafted to work together within each product to help you achieve the healthiest skin of your life in 60 days.

Hand-harvested at peak ripeness

Our wild Arctic plants are collected when they reach maximum potency.

The Arctic summer is short, but intense. The 24-hour sunlight forces plants to store extreme levels of antioxidants and nutrients to survive.

More sunlight = more nutrients = more powerful skincare for you.

That’s why we only harvest at peak ripeness, ensuring you get the most potent Sea Buckthorn, Arnica, Calendula, Arctic Cranberry, and more.

Slow-dried at room temperature

Unlike most brands that use high heat (which destroys key nutrients), we dry our ingredients gently to keep their full strength.

Our drying process happens at room temperature.

No scorching. No lost potency.Just pure, nutrient-rich botanicals—exactly as nature intended.

Cold-pressed & CO2 extraction

These methods preserve the full spectrum of vitamins, antioxidants, and fatty acids—delivering real results for your skin.

Once harvested, we never expose our ingredients to high heat or harsh solvents. Instead, we use:
· Cold-Pressed Extraction – Preserves every vitamin, fatty acid, and antioxidant.
· CO2 Extraction – The purest, cleanest way to extract oils without chemicals.

Other brands? They heat ingredients to extreme temperatures, breaking down their healing properties.

Low-heat mixing

Many brands overheat their formulas, breaking down active ingredients. We never do.

When we mix our formulas, we never heat them above 50°C (122°F).
Why? Because high heat destroys active ingredients.

Other brands heat their ingredients to the point of uselessness.
We keep temperatures low to preserve every skin-nourishing compound.

That’s why our products work better. They’re alive with Arctic nutrients, untouched by industry shortcuts.

the alternative

Frøya’s production methods are optimized for fast results and better female hormone health

No one produces products like us anymore. We combine ancient practices from the Viking era with the newest discoveries within science to optimize your overall health, and skin health at ones.


What's the problem with chemicals?

More than 80,000 chemicals are registered for use in the United States. Each year, an estimated 2,000 new ones are introduced for use in such everyday items as foods, personal care products, prescription drugs, household cleaners, and lawn care products.

Most brands use chemicals like parabens and paraffin in their skincare products. They are byproducts of gasoline production and are very cheap.

When you heat crude oil you get these products:

• 77-212°F (25-100°C) - Gas (propane) and light fuel

• 212-356°F (100-180°C) - Heavy fuel
• 365-482°F (160-250°C) - Kerosene

• 482-680°F (250-360°C) - Diesel
• 680-752°F (360-400°C) - Motor oil

• >752°F (>400°C) - A tar-like mass that gets refined into asphalt and paraffin...

...meaning if you have products with paraffin you are putting asphalt on your body.

Paraffin, parabens and other chemicals can have devastating effects on your skin and overall health:

Clogs your skin pores: They are comedogenic meaning that they get stuck in your skin pores. Unlike beeswax, they wouldn't let your skin breathe. Over time this leads to dry skin and bacteria growth because the skin can't regulate the oil production.

Skin irritation and redness: These materials are alien to the skin and many people get reactions that translate into redness and acne.

Hair loss: These ingredients are proven to cause hair loss when present in shampoos.
Hormone disrupter: Your skin absorbs everything you put on it. Chemicals, especially parabens and paraffine are proven to be highly estrogenic and will lower your testosterone levels. Not good at all.

Fertility: Females exposed to parabens experienced a significant increase in the chance of infertility.

That's why Frøya Organics stay far away from all chemicals. All our products are 100% free of chemicals.

The power of nature

We get it. When most people hear natural they think weak. This is far from the truth. Some natural ingredients are proven to by much more potent and powerful then their chemical counter parts. Without the side-effects.

Not only do we chose the best natural ingredients on earth. We pick them on the norwegian mountain side where they are the most potent and wild.

Norwegian plants needs to survive arctic winters. They need to protect themselves from -30 degrees. The ripening window in Norway is short and the plants need to get all the nutrition to the bloom fast. Making them more potent than enything else on the planet. The Frøya Organics products are filled with them. 

We like flowers that grow amongst animals, bees and in a fild of many different species. This envirement makes the soil rich in all the minerals, vitamins and nutrition neceserry to make the flowers as powerful as possible.

Flowers grown industrially on homogenous fields without animals are weaker


Everything in the jar has a purpose

Most skincare products have 70% water. That's the industry standard. The only purpose of adding water is to lower the cost. If you add water you also need chemicals to mix it with the oils to keep the compound together. Oils and water don't mix naturally.

All Frøya Organics products are free of water and fillers. We do it to make them as effective as possible. We want as many of the active ingredients as possible in the jar. That maximizes the results of our customers. That makes them want to come back to us and buy more because it works. Win-Win.

Only cold-pressed oils

Industrially processed seed oils are bad for you

It's not only about the ingredients. But how they are made. It's a big difference between cold-pressed oils and industrially produced oils.

Industrially produced seed oils
1. The seeds are heated to break down cell walls and facilitate oil release. Heating the oils will lead to oxidation and formulation of harmful compounds such as free radicals and trans fat.
2. The seeds are mixed with hexane (bi-product of crude oil) for extraction.
3. The mixture is heated again to separate the hexane.
4. It still smells hexan, so it needs to be refined.
• Degumming: Done to remove impurities created
• Bleaching: Bleaching clays are added to change the colour
• Deodorization: Heated to 500°F (260°C) to try to remove odour and flavour from the Hexan.
5. The oil may undergo further processing like winterization (removal of waxes), fractionation (separating different types of fats), or hydrogenation (adding hydrogen).
6. Added to your food and "natural" skincare products.

Cold-pressed oils
1. The seeds are pressed using a mechanical press. Unlike conventional methods, no heat is applied during this process.
2. The pressed oil is typically filtered mechanically to remove impurities. Unlike refined oils, it does not undergo chemical treatments like degumming, neutralization, bleaching, or deodorization.
3. Added in your products.

All oils used in Frøya Organics products are cold-pressed.

no heating of oils

Why is it bad to heat carrier oils?

Most brands do one or both of the following things:
1. Use industrially produced seed oils: These oils are heated to 500°F (260°C) during production so the damage is already done.
2. Heat the oils during production of the skincare product: It's easier and cheaper to make skincare products if you heat the bulk during production. Almost all brands are doing this. Both "natural" brands and conventional brands that use chemicals.

Why does it matter?
Oxidation: Heating seed oils will lead to oxidation and formulation of harmful compounds such as free radicals and trans fat. They are proven to be harmful to human health.
Smoke Point: Every oil has a specific smoke point - the temperature at which it begins to smoke and break down. When an oil reaches its smoke point, it not only starts to lose its flavour and nutritional value but also can produce harmful compounds.
Polymerization: At high temperatures, fatty acids can polymerize, forming larger molecules. Polymerized oils are hard for the body to break down and may have adverse health effects.
Degradation of nutrients: Heat can degrade certain heat-sensitive nutrients in oils, such as vitamins and polyunsaturated fats. For example, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids found in some seed oils can break down when heated. Making the oils less effective for the skin.
Formation of trans fats: Prolonged heating, especially at high temperatures, can lead to the formation of trans fats in some oils. Trans fats are known to be harmful to cardiovascular health.

Frøya Organics never heat any oils above 40 degrees in the whole lifetime of the product. From the seed to when the balms are delivered to your door.

no parabens/paraffine

Most brands use chemicals like parabens and paraffin in their skincare products. They are bi-products of gasoline production, and very cheap. When you heat crude oil you get these products:
• 77-212°F (25-100°C) - Gas (propane) and light fuel
• 212-356°F (100-180°C) - Heavy fuel
• 365-482°F (160-250°C) - Kerosene
• 482-680°F (250-360°C) - Diesel
• 680-752°F (360-400°C) - Motor oil
• >752°F (>400°C) - A tar like-mass that gets refined into asphalt and paraffin...

...meaning if you have products with paraffin you are putting asphalt on your body.

Paraffin, parabens and other chemicals can have devastating effects on your skin and overall health:
Clogs your skin pores: They are comedogenic meaning that they get stuck in your skin pores. Unlike beeswax, they wouldn't let your skin breathe. Over time this leads to dry skin and bacteria growth because the skin can't regulate the oil production. 
Skin irritation and redness: These materials are alien to the skin and many people get reactions that translate into redness and acne.
Hair loss: These ingredients are proven to cause hair loss when present in shampoos.
Hormone disrupter: Your skin absorbs everything you put on it. Chemicals, especially parabens and paraffine are proven to be highly hormone disturbing. Not good at all. 

That's why Frøya Organics stays far away from all chemicals. All our products are 100% free of parabens and paraffine.


What's the problem with GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)?

GMO ingredients are different from the real ingredient. They have less nutritional value and are unrecognisable to the body. They can also lead to side effects:
Allergic Reactions: Introducing genes from one organism into another could create new allergens or increase existing allergenicity.
Gene Transfer: Concerns exist about the potential for genes from GMO foods to transfer to cells of the body or to bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. This could potentially lead to unexpected health effects.
Antibiotic Resistance: Some GMOs are developed using antibiotic-resistance genes as markers during the engineering process. There is a concern that these genes could transfer to harmful bacteria, contributing to the growing problem of antibiotic resistance.
Unknown Long-Term Effects: The long-term health effects of GMO foods are not fully understood, as genetically modifying a plant might have unforeseen consequences on its nutritional content or on how the body processes and reacts to the food.
Pesticide Residue: Certain GMO crops are engineered to be resistant to specific herbicides, which leads to more herbicide use and higher residues on the final product. 

Frøya Organics doesn't use any GMOs in the products.

no hormone disrupters

Most products are filled with hormone distrupters

Chemicals like parabens, phthalates, phytoestrogens and paraffin are proven by many studies to interact with your hormones. This leads to lower testosterone and higher estrogen in men.

These effects were observed in men using shampoos and skincare containing these chemicals.

85% of all women experience inbalanced hormones. And this is one of the main reasons.

Estrogen is a crucial hormone for female health. Many of today's illnesses and conditions can be caused and worsened by imbalanced.

Imbalanced hormones can lead to; Low energy, low libido, infertility, excess fat, low drive, poor immune system, bad sleep and mood.

That's why Frøya Organics stay far away from all hormone disrupters. All our products are 100% free of chemicals.

no pesticides or herbicides

If brands don't use organic ingredients, they are sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. The flowers and seeds are like swamps and suck up all the chemicals. They don't disappear and will be found in the final product they make.

Pesticides and herbicides are shown to be harmful to human health, and they can also alter your hormones. Leading to imbalanced hormones.

Better skin in 60 days or money-back guarantee

Use the products for 60 days daily and if your don’t get results, we don’t want your money.
We know our products are the best on the market, but they won’t work for everyone and their mother.

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